Friday, June 2, 2017

The Next Six Exits

We have arrived at the promised land! Don in Budget truck, Boise.

     Once upon a time, or as much as Don and I have moved since married in 2005, once, twice, thrice, fourth, and now fifth upon a time, we headed to Boise, Idaho to become "tubers!" Why? Because upon retiring a tad early, we discovered condo living was not for us. Usually it's the other way around, live in a house, retire, house is too much work, move to a condo. However, sometimes life needs to be done out of order, according to, in my case, the directives of ADD-ism.
     Puttering is essential to retirement, and it's hard to putter in a condo. I must putter in a garden and a yard, Don must putter in a garage. However, finding a house in the Denver area under 200,000. is no longer possible. After a year or two of research, mostly our faces buried in our Ipads, and a few exploratory trips, we discovered the Boise metro area; it is affordable, has a similar climate to the Denver area, but is appealingly smaller, population 620,000 vs Denver metro area, 2.8 million. It was very hard that first day on the road, we were tired from packing and closing on the condo. We were sad to drive away from friends, family, and a place we'd lived for 36 years, but excited at the looking forward to a new adventure!

Kit finally settled in. Hey! We didnt' name her. It's the one she came with. Unoriginal but fitting.