Sunday, July 23, 2017

Closing Tomorrow!

We have been acquiring furniture, and of course, fun stuff! Can hardly wait to close on the house tomorrow! I've gone all Joanna Gains for the front porch. Added these warm firefly lights from a Craft Warehouse, and a new bucket, compliments of Cost Plus. 

Hot in Boise

High desert outside of town. 

How Boisians keep the hills brown. 


Monday, July 10, 2017

Lucky Peak State Park Swim Beach

 Brrrrr! But you really do get used to it, except for when you actually try to swim. The water is a  little murky, goose droppings, but not a bad place for five bucks a day. Lots of shade and a place to rent paddle boards and buy slushies. 

 I was quite proud of myself to get all the way in. It took about a 45 min to stop being an old lady and just do it! 

Sunday, July 9, 2017

How Lavender Got Me Driving Again

Last night, on the news, I found that there is a yearly lavender festival at the Lavender Merchant, a farm in Kuna Idaho. The next day, Sunday, was the last day. Lavender is like a siren calling me out to sea and I have great planting plans for it at our soon to be house. I had to go! Since arriving in Boise, I had only driven by myself to the thrift store a few blocks down the street from our apartment. Not usually hesitant to drive, this move had me dazed and more confused than usual. In Colorado, the mountains were in the West, here they're in the East; therefore, confusing my inner compass. But a lavender festival! I had to go and I had to do it myself, Don is not fond of mornings or heat.

 A merchant mentioned that by Sunday, most things and merchants are gone. Getting there in the morning is important, unless one enjoys temps of above 100. There is food, drink, and apparently a musician who wasn't yet there. Enjoy and purchase lavender oil, lotion, soap, sachets, etc. There were also lots of country decor items. One can grab a basket and picket a bouquet of lavender from the fields for 5.00. It was wonderful to be out in the countryside.

I couldn't resist a chair to paint a fun color and box to use as a planter. Very reasonable. So fun! 

This corn was more than knee high on the fourth of July. 

Exploratory Roadectomy

DISCLAIMER: This blog is not meant as a showcase for magnificent photography. I snap, many times, very quick pics, from my old, lowly android phone, IPad, or camera, often when riding in the car. That being said:

Last week we decided to, just to explore, drive over the Idaho border to Ontario, Oregon (about 55 miles) on hwy 26, the way I someday plan to drive to the Oregon coast. Here is what that stretch of road looks like.

Back on 84

Underwhelming? I hear it gets much better as one heads further west. 😉

We didn't actually drive into Ontario as my inner ear prob got ugly and we had to return to Boise. Here's a pic I got off the internet. Okay, well, there ya are. 

I almost forgot! We stopped at a small park next to the Snake River. A little on the muddy, smelly side, but that could have been due to the receding waters and intense heat. Sound fun?