Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Visit to the Idaho Botanical Gardens

On one of the rare cooler days (80s), Don and went to the Idaho Botanical Gardens up against the foothills of Boise, built on the grounds of the old state penitentiary. I have to remember as I write this that we had, for twice the price, an emmense and lovely botanical garden in Denver, and not to let that influence my impression of this one in Boise. We showed up a little later in the flowering season, so some plants, such as the roses, were not in their full glory. For a small city, it's a lovely little garden to experience a little peace and tranquility in nature. The website, idahobotanicalgarden.org, has listings of events such as winter lighting and concerts (which I hear are pretty fabulous). The garden store appeared quite small. It is closed Mondays and Tuesdays so we didn't get to go inside. For restroom "facilities," there are two outdoor portapottys. My bladder won't cooperate unless I can flush something so I didn't drink tons of water! :D

Unless you're on an I pad, I don't think you can read this map. 

The store. 

This must be the concert area. 

Lots of these little guys running around. 

Picnic area across from the store. 

The "facilities."

Part of old penitentiary. 

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